The Ridgway’s hawk is a critically endangered species of diurnal raptor endemic to the Island of Hispaniola. A hundred years ago the hawk was found all over Hispaniola, but today the only remaining breeding population of about 300 individuals is found in Los Haitises National Park in the Dominican Republic.
Los Haitises National Park is a popular destination for nature lovers and bird watchers cause of the highest importance for biodiversity and richness of fauna, both in terms of endemism and species numbers. While most people head out by boat to explore the park and its caves, islands, and wildlife.
We are conserving the Ridgway’s Hawk in Los Haitises National Park, where you can see the habitat and interesting History of Ridgway’s Hawks in the Humist Trails. We know the spots habitats for Ridgway’s and Ashy Faced Owls. Also, you may see other endemics species around the Park. This Tour is focus on nature and is more concentrated in the information about wildlife. Usually is a private.
- Birdwatching Tour + Caves and Pictographs
- 所有税费、费用和手续费
- 地方税
- Officials Ecologist tour guides
- 小费
- 转移
- 饮料
The tour, organized by «Booking Adventures» starts at the meeting point set with the Tour Guide. The traveler will get a meeting point after the Reservation Process. Tours start and Finished in our meeting points.
获取门票 for conserving the Ridgway’s Hawk in Los Haitises National Park.
这次短途旅行从集合点开始,徒步沿着李奇微步道到达筑巢区。经过 30 分钟的徒步旅行并观赏老鹰后,我们可以选择继续徒步旅行,并检查洛斯海蒂斯国家公园的鹦鹉、鲫鱼和其他特有物种。
洛斯海蒂塞斯国家公园 (Los Haitises National Park) 在萨瓦纳德拉马尔 (Sabana de la Mar) 只有两条观鸟小径。在前往洛斯海蒂塞斯国家公园 (Los Hiatises National Park) 的途中,我们会在一些地方停下来观赏更多鸟类。
去过圣洛伦索湾。我们将参观两个洞穴,一个是悲伤洞穴,西班牙语为“Cueva de la Arena”;在这个洞穴中,我们可以看到居住在该地区附近的泰诺人社区的岩相画。并将洞穴用作寺庙。
之后,我们前往 Linea 洞穴,这里有 2,243 个原始象形文字,我们的导游向您解释考古学家关于这些象形文字的信息。
After 4.5 hours learning about birds in Los Haitises National Park, this excursion ends in the same place as started.
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笔记: 如果您在旅游/短途旅行出发时间前 24 小时内预订,我们可以安排额外收费的酒店接客服务。购买完成后,我们将向您发送完整的联系信息(电话号码、电子邮件地址等),以便当地导游安排接机安排。
- 门票是支付本次旅游费用后的收据。您可以在手机上出示付款信息。
- 预订流程后将收到集合点。
- 儿童必须由成人陪同。
- 不适合轮椅使用者
- 婴儿必须坐在腿上
- 不推荐有背部问题的旅行者
- 不建议怀孕旅客使用
- 没有心脏问题或其他严重的医疗状况
- 大多数旅客都可以参加
此行程最少 2 人,最多 15 人。若人数较少,请联系我们。
如需全额退款,请在体验开始日期前至少 24 小时取消。
当地人 和 国民队 导游和宾客服务
预订: 在Dom. Rep. 的游览与游览
电话/Whatsapp +1-809-720-6035.
我们可以通过 Whatsapp 灵活设置私人旅游: (+1) 829 318 9463.