Playa Rincón (Rincon Beach), Playa Fronton + Playa Madam Beach, Samana - Dominikan Respublikasi.


The trip starts at Picking you up in Your hotel or Airbnb in the Samana area. Discover with us the 3 secret and wild beaches of the region El Rincon beach, Playa madame and Playa Fronton. One of the most beautiful excursions on Samaná’s peninsula. Enter the unique atmosphere of Playa Frontón, a beach only reachable by boat surrounded by a coral reef around which you can snorkel, swim with fishes and discover its corals and relax and enjoy the amazing scenery. Relaxing, swimming and then departure to Playa madame, another and isolated perfect beach for snorkeling, where you can also visit a cave and take great videos or Photos for awesome memories.


Iltimos, sayohat sanasini tanlang: 


Tushlik, qayiqda sayohat va mehmonxonalardan shaxsiy transport.

Playa Rincón, Playa Fronton + Playa Madam Beach, Samana - Dominikan Respublikasi.

Umumiy koʻrinish

The trip start at Picking you up in Your hotel or airbnb in Samana area. Discover with us the 3 secret and wild beaches of the region El Rincon beach, Playa madame and Playa Fronton . One of the most beautiful excursions on the Samaná’s peninsula. Enter the unique atmosphere of Playa Frontón, a beach only reachable by boat surrounded by a coral reef around which you can snorkel, swim with fishes and discover its corals and relax and enjoy the amazing scenery. Relaxing, swimming and then departure to Playa madame, another and isolated perfect beach for snorkeling,where you can also visit a cave and take great videos or Photos for awesome memories.

You will have lunch with your toes in the sand to the sound of Merengue and Bachata at “El Paraiso” – The last restaurant before the jungle – where you will be served a complete meal including a fish dish, accompanied by local drinks and cocktails. On the way back we will stop at El Rincon Beach, here you will find a natural pearl that is considered one of the most beautiful beaches in the country. The white, fine sand, the turquoise sea and the meter-high palm trees speak for themselves.


  • Hududda xavfsizlik bo'yicha tajribaga ega mahalliy gid.
  • Snorkel
  • Private Transportation
  • To'lovlar kiritilgan
  • Sohilda tushlik
  • Boat ride
  • Local Tour Guide in Spanish,English or French.
  • Piyoda yurish


Qo'shimchalar va istisnolar



  1. Hududda xavfsizlik bo'yicha tajribaga ega mahalliy gid.
  2. Kichik guruhlar uchun shaxsiy transport
  3. Snorkel
  4. El-Rinkon plyaji
  5. Madame Beach
  6. Fronton Beach
  7. Barcha soliqlar, yig'imlar va ishlov berish to'lovlari
  8. Mahalliy soliqlar
  9. Sohilda tushlik
  10. Piyoda yurish
  11. Barcha tadbirlar


  1. Imkoniyatlar

Ketish va qaytish

Sayohatchi bronlash jarayonidan so'ng uchrashuv nuqtasini oladi. Ekskursiyalar uchrashuv nuqtalarida boshlanadi va tugaydi.

Playa Rincón, Playa Fronton + Playa Madame Beach, Samaná – Dominican Republic. Samana day trip.

Nimani kutish kerak?

Chiptalaringizni oling for visiting Boca del diablo and Fronton Beach in Samana. Day Trip. Starting from Samana hotels areas, Visiting 3 of the most unique beaches around Dominican Republic.  Playa Rincón is an unspoiled strip of white sand that stretches for about 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) along an undeveloped part of the coast. Fringed by a border of coconut palms and enclosed by mountain and cliff peaks at both ends, this secluded beach feels like a true utopia, cut off from civilization.

After El Rincon beach  we will be visiting Madame, This beach is a common first stop on a Snorkeling tour (including Playa Fronton, see below) and only accessible via boat or horse. While the scenery was dramatic and we loved checking out the nearby caves and hiking on the cliffs.

Last option in our Trip is Fronton Beach. Here the water is super clear, a beautiful shade of blue, and the surrounding coral reef ensures the beach is very safe for swimming


The tour, organized by “Booking Adventures” starts at the meeting point set with our Tour Guide. Come with Booking Adventures and have lunch at the beach and enyoy the 3 most amazing beaches in Samana, Dominican Republic.


Nimani olib kelish kerak?

  • kamera
  • Repelent kurtaklar
  • quyosh kremi
  • Hojatxona
  • Shlyapa
  • Qulay shimlar
  • O'rmon uchun poyafzal
  • Bahor hududlari uchun sandallar.
  • Suzish kiyimi


Mehmonxonadan olib ketish

Ushbu tur uchun mehmonxonadan olib ketish taklif etiladi.


Eslatma: Agar siz tur/ekskursiya jo'nab ketganidan keyin 24 soat ichida band bo'lsangiz, biz mehmonxonani qabul qilishni tashkil qilishimiz mumkin. Biz Samana hududidan olib ketamiz. Xaridingiz tugallangandan so'ng, biz sizni olib ketishni tashkil qilish uchun mahalliy sayyohlik qo'llanmamiz uchun to'liq aloqa ma'lumotlarini (telefon raqami, elektron pochta manzili va boshqalar) yuboramiz.

Qo'shimcha ma'lumotni tasdiqlash

  1. Chiptalar - bu turni to'lashdan keyin kvitansiya. To'lovni telefoningizda ko'rsatishingiz mumkin.
  2. Uchrashuv nuqtasi bronlash jarayonidan keyin olinadi.
  3. Bolalar kattalar bilan birga bo'lishi kerak.
  4. Nogironlar aravachasiga kira olmaydi
  5. Chaqaloqlar tizzalariga o'tirishlari kerak
  6. Orqa muammolari bo'lgan sayohatchilar uchun tavsiya etilmaydi
  7. Homilador sayohatchilar uchun tavsiya etilmaydi
  8. Yurak muammosi yoki boshqa jiddiy tibbiy sharoitlar yo'q
  9. Aksariyat sayohatchilar qatnashishi mumkin

Bekor qilish siyosati

Toʻlovni toʻliq qaytarish uchun Bekor qilish qoidalari bilan tanishib chiqing bu yerni bosing. Rezervasyon safarning o'sha kuni bekor qilinsa, mablag' yo'qoladi.

Boca del diablo and Fronton beach

Biz bilan bog'lanish?

Sarguzashtlarni bron qilish

Mahalliy aholi va Milliylar Turistlar va mehmonlarga xizmatlar

Rezervasyonlar: Dom.Rep.da turlar va ekskursiyalar.

📞 Tel/Whatsapp  +1-809-720-6035.

📩 reservabatour@gmail.com

Biz Whatsapp orqali xususiy sayohatlarni sozlashimiz mumkin: (+1) 829 318 9463.
