Ridgway's Hawk Tour – Excursie pentru observarea păsărilor în Parcul Național Los Haitises

Prețul inițial a fost: $65.00.Prețul curent este: $49.00.

Ecological Trip to Los Haitises National Park with a Local Tour guide. Visiting the Ridgway’s Hawks in Los Haitises National Park, and the historical areas of Sabana de la Mar in Los Haitises National Park.


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[mkdf_section_title title_tag=»» disable_break_words=»no» subtitle_tag=»» title=»Ridgway’s Hawk Tour» subtitle=»Birding in Los Haitises National Park»]

Prezentare generală

The Ridgway’s Hawk is a critically endangered species of diurnal raptor endemic to the Island of Hispaniola. A hundred years ago the hawk was found all over Hispaniola, but today the only remaining breeding population of about 300 individuals is found in Los Haitises National Park in the Dominican Republic.

Los Haitises National Park is a popular destination for nature lovers and bird watchers cause of the highest importance for biodiversity and richness of fauna, both in terms of endemism and species numbers. Our main focus is to spot all the hawks around the Cano Hondo areas.

We are conserving the Ridgway’s Hawk in Los Haitises National Park, where you can see the habitat and interesting History of Ridgway’s Hawks in the Rain Forest Trails. We know the spots habitats for Ridgway’s and Ashy Faced Owls. Because for more than 15 years as volunteers we are working for the protection of these couples and individuals around this community.

Also, you may see other endemics species around the Park. This Tour is focusing on nature and is more concentrated on the information about wildlife. Usually is private.

Incluziuni și excluderi


  1. Birdwatching Tour + Caves and Pictographs
  2. All taxes, fees, and handling charges
  3. Taxe locale
  4. Officials Ecologist tour guides


  1. Gratuitatii
  2. Transfer
  3. Beverage


Plecare și întoarcere

The tour, organized by «Booking Adventures» starts at the meeting point set with the Tour Guide. The traveler will get a meeting point after the Reservation Process. Tours start and Finished at our meeting points.


La ce să te aștepți?

Get your ticket for conserving the Ridgway’s Hawk in Los Haitises National Park.

This Excursion starts from the meeting point by hiking the Ridgway trails to the Nesting areas. After 30 min hiking and watching the Hawks, we have the option to continue hiking around and check for Parrots, piculets, and other Endemics species in Los Haitises National Park.

Los Haitises National Park has just two Trails for Birding in Sabana de la Mar. On the way to Los Hiatises National Park, we stop in some spots to see more birds.

Been in the San Lorenzo Bay. we will visit two Caves, the Sadly Cave call in Spanish Cueva de la Arena; in this Cave, we can see the petrographs from Tainos communities that were staying around this area. and using the caves as a temple.

After that, we go-ahead to the Linea Cave, this one with 2,243 originals pictographs and our tour guide explain you the information from archeologist about those pictographs.

Taking the boat back again to the Pajaros island ( Birds Island) where we can see most of the wetlands birds around to Los Haitises National Park. Just because all birds are not in the Water.

After 4.5 hours of learning about birds in Los Haitises National Park, this excursion ends in the same place as started.

Note: These tours are with Official Ecologist guides from Los Haitises National Park. Please let us know when you are planning to visit us!


Ce ar trebui să aduci?

  • aparat foto
  • Binocular
  • Muguri repelent
  • lotiune de plaja
  • Pălărie
  • Pantaloni comozi
  • Pantofi de drumeție pentru pădure
  • Sandale în zonele de primăvară.
  • Îmbrăcăminte de înot


Preluare la hotel

Pentru acest tur nu se oferă servicii de preluare de la hotel.


Notă: Dacă rezervați în termen de 24 de ore de la ora de plecare a turului/excursiei, putem aranja preluarea de la hotel cu taxe suplimentare. Odată ce ați finalizat achiziția, vă vom trimite informații complete de contact (număr de telefon, adresă de e-mail etc.) pentru ca ghidul nostru local de turism să organizeze aranjamentele de preluare.

Confirmare informații suplimentare

  1. Tickets are the Receipt after paying for this Tour. You can show the payment on your phone.
  2. Punctul de întâlnire va fi primit după procesul de rezervare.
  3. Copiii trebuie să fie însoțiți de un adult.
  4. Nu este accesibil cu scaunul cu rotile
  5. Bebelușii trebuie să stea pe poale
  6. Nu este recomandat călătorilor cu probleme de spate
  7. Nu este recomandat călătorilor însărcinate
  8. Fără probleme cardiace sau alte afecțiuni medicale grave
  9. Majoritatea călătorilor pot participa

This tour is offered to a minimum of 2 people and a Maximum of 15 people. In case of fewer people, please contact us.

Politica de anulare

Pentru o rambursare completă, anulați cu cel puțin 24 de ore înainte de data de începere a experienței.


Rezervare aventuri

Localnicii și Naţionalii Ghizi turistici și servicii pentru oaspeți

Rezervari: Tururi și excursii în Rep. Dom.

📞 Tel/Whatsapp  +1-809-720-6035.

📩 reservabatour@gmail.com

Suntem flexibili, stabilim tururi private prin Whatsapp: (+1) 829 318 9463.

