Salto de la Jalda þjóðgarðurinn - Hæsti foss í Karíbahafinu 272 fet

Original price was: $89.00.Current price is: $67.99.

An extreme adventure to the higher waterfall of the Caribbean. Come with locals hiking or Horse riding to the Waterfall. Learning about the real Dominican lifestyle of the forest. Visiting the biggest plantations of Cacao trees forest in the Dominican Republic and learning about this story with Natives Tour guides.

When you book this trip you are supporting Families from Magua, Sabana de la Mar Comunity. Where there are not tourists all around the year. Money stays with these locals.


Vinsamlegast veldu dagsetningu fyrir ferðina 


[mkdf_section_title title_tag=»» disable_break_words=»no» subtitle_tag=»» text_font_weight=»» title=»Salto de la Jalda National Park» subtitle=»The highest Waterfall in Caribbean 272 feet» text=»Hike or Horses Riding.»]


This is a Private tour to Salto de la Jalda Waterfalls with Horse riding or Hiking. Visiting cacao and Coffe forest under Coconuts Palms Canopy. When you arrive at the Waterfalls you are allowed to swim and Set the time with your Local Guide.

Learn with locals and get a Safe trip. Get your Tickets in Offer Today.


  • Horse Riding or Hiking
  • The guide provides instructions and Supervision
  • Fees to the National Park


Innifalið og útilokanir



  1. Hiking or Horses Riding Tour
  2. Allir skattar, gjöld og afgreiðslugjöld
  3. Útsvar
  4. Drykkir
  5. All activities
  6. Local guide


  1. Þjórfé
  2. Transfer
  3. Hádegisverður
  4. Áfengir drykkir


Brottför og heimferð

Ferðamaðurinn mun fá fundarstað eftir pöntunarferlið. Ferðir hefjast og lýkur á samkomustöðum okkar.


Hike Salto de la Jalda National Park

Hvað á að búast við?

Tryggðu þér miða for visiting The Highest Waterfalls in the Caribean.  El Salto la Jalda Hiking al horse riding.

The tour, organized by «Booking Adventures» starts at the meeting point set with the Tour Guide. To start our tour, we meet in Savannah of the Sea. Then we get into the vehicle we drive 25 min to Magua Community. Where we will meet our local hiking guides. Leaving your vehicle in a safe parking place, we go on horse riding or on foot to the National Park Salto de La Jalda, with a time of three hours to arrive there.

The path consists of 6.5 kilometers,  it is a long experience through the Dominican Forest, Passing by Cacaos, Coconuts, and Coffe forest.  In our full trip, we will be passing near the Magua River and crossing it about 8 times without much difficulty.

Almost the entire trail has the shade of a large amount of cacao forest planted before the area is declared Salto de La Jalda National Park. In this first part of the ecotourism adventure, you can enjoy the song of the birds, the sound of water flow currents, the mostly flat terrain and all the green vegetation.

Apart from the cocoa in the land of the National Park of La Jalda, you can also see coffee plantations. Almost arriving at the waterfall we stop by the park rangers houses native to the town of Magua, assigned to the National Park of Jalda. There you can take a short break, from where you can see in a general amazing view of the Salto de La Jalda.

We will continue until the waterfalls. swimming there and after a few hours getting back to the vehicle through the same trail. This is an extreme adventure. Please if you have not conditions for hiking you need to take the horse riding.


Hvað á maður að hafa með sér?

  • myndavél
  • Fráhrindandi buds
  • sólarvörn
  • Hattur
  • Þægilegar buxur
  • Gönguskór fyrir skóginn
  • Sundfatnaður
  • Extra Waterbottle
  • Lunch or snacks


Afhending hótels

Ekki er boðið upp á flutning á hóteli í þessari ferð.


Athugið: If you are booking within 24 hours of the tour/Excursion departure time, we can arrangements hotel pick-up with extra Charges. Once your purchase is complete, we will send you complete contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) for our local Tour guide to organize pick-up arrangements.

Staðfesting á viðbótarupplýsingum

  1. Miðar eru kvittunin eftir að hafa greitt þessa ferð. Þú getur sýnt greiðsluna í símanum þínum.
  2. Fundarstaður mun berast eftir bókunarferlið.
  3. Börn verða að vera í fylgd með fullorðnum.
  4. Not wheelchair accessible
  5. Not Infants for this trip are allowed
  6. Not recommended for travelers with back problems
  7. Not recommended for pregnant travelers
  8. No heart problems or other serious medical conditions
  9. Flestir ferðamenn geta tekið þátt


Fyrir fulla endurgreiðslu, afbókaðu að minnsta kosti 24 klukkustundum fyrir upphafsdag upplifunar.

Hafðu samband við okkur?

Bókun ævintýri

Heimamenn og Landsmenn Fararstjórar og gestaþjónusta

Bókanir: Ferðir og skoðunarferðir í Dom. Rep.

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📩 reservabatour@gmail.com

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