Los Haitises National park starting from Cano Hondo or Sabana de la mar, excursion on the Sendero del Bosque Humedo (Moist Forest Trail) involves walking thru the forest from Caño Hondo to Caño Salado to take a short boat ride back to the dock. The trail is 3.8 km (2.4 miles) long and takes approximately 2 hr in Just One way.
After this experience, you will get Back to Cano Hondo or Sabana de la mar.
- Naknade uključene
- Los Haitises National park Hiking Trip
- Vodič daje upute i nadzor
Uključivanja i isključenja
- Nacionalni park Los Haitises
- Svi porezi, naknade i manipulativni troškovi
- Lokalni porezi
- Pića
- Sve aktivnosti
- Lokalni vodič
- Napojnice
- Prijenos
- Ručak
- Alkoholna pića
Polazak & Povratak
Putnik će dobiti mjesto sastanka nakon procesa rezervacije. Ture počinju i završavaju na našim sastajalištima.
Nacionalni park Los Haitises – 4 sata pješačenja vlažnom šumskom stazom.
Što očekivati?
Visiting Los Haitises National Park Hiking 4 Hours in the humist forest where you will see the human impacts in this National park. Learning about History and Nature with Locals tours guides that Grow up as Emvoromental protectors and Volunteers inside of this protect area.
The tour, organized by «Booking Adventures» starts at the meeting point set with the Tour Guide. After an initial walk through fields and farmlands, you will begin to walk by the Coconuct and Cacao Forest. Getting every minute inside of the primary and unique conserve forest area inside of Los Haitises National Park. Come with Booking Adventures and start checking some Endemics Birds, Mammals and Plants species, rolling hills of lush vegetation and caves of Nacionalni park Los Haitises.
Naziv nacionalnog parka dolazi od njegovih izvornih stanovnika, Taino Indijanaca. Na njihovom jeziku "Haitises" znači gorje ili brda, što se odnosi na strme geološke formacije obale s vapnencima. Zaputite se dublje u park i istražite špilje poput Pješčana špilja i Cueva de la Línea. You can match the boat tour with the Hiking trip. Just Contact us.
Caves in the reserve were used as shelter by the Taino Indians and, later, by hiding pirates. Look for drawings by Indians that decorate some of the walls. In the Rain Forest, there are more than 700 hundreds species of plants, we try to teach visitors about all medical plants that we know in this hiking trail.
Come to learn, Hike and enyoy the real nature of Los Haitises National Park.
Što trebate ponijeti?
- fotoaparat
- Repelentni pupoljci
- krema za sunčanje
- Šešir
- Udobne hlače
- Planinarske cipele za šumu
- Sandale za proljetna područja.
- Odjeća za kupanje
Preuzimanje iz hotela
Hotel pick-up is not offered for this tour. Just if you are in Cano Hondo Hotels.
Bilješka: If you are booking within 24 hours of the tour/Excursion departure time, we can arrangements hotel pick-up with extra Charges from any place of The Dominican Republic. Once your purchase is complete, we will send you complete contact information (phone number, email address, etc.) for our local Tour guide to organize pick-up arrangements.
Potvrda dodatnih informacija
- Ulaznice su račun nakon plaćanja ovog putovanja. Uplatu možete prikazati na svom telefonu.
- Mjesto sastanka bit će primljeno nakon procesa rezervacije.
- Djeca moraju biti u pratnji odrasle osobe.
- Nije pristupačno za invalidska kolica
- Dojenčad moraju sjediti u krilu
- Ne preporučuje se putnicima koji imaju problema s leđima
- Ne preporučuje se trudnicama koje putuju
- Nema problema sa srcem ili drugih ozbiljnih zdravstvenih stanja
- Većina putnika može sudjelovati
Politika otkazivanja
Za puni povrat novca otkažite najmanje 24 sata prije datuma početka iskustva. Sredstva će biti izgubljena ako se rezervacija otkaže isti dan putovanja.
Kontaktirajte nas?
Booking Adventures
Mještani i Državljani Turistički vodiči i usluge za goste
Rezervacije: Ture i izleti u Domu Rep.
Tel/Whatsapp +1-809-720-6035.
Mi smo fleksibilni i postavljamo privatne obilaske putem Whatsappa: (+1) 829 318 9463.