Sendeirismo Boca del Diablo 'Boca do diaño', á praia de Fronton, excursión dun día a Samaná.

O prezo orixinal era: $65.00.O prezo actual é: $45.50.

The trip starts at our meeting point in Las Galeras, Samana. The most spectacular hiking in Samana. Visiting the Mouth of the devil in Spanish Boca Del Diablo, Noise that makes the glifs with a precion of water under the rocks. After visiting the marmolite caves and Boca del Diablo we continue our hiking trough the coconut forest and beautiful views to the ocean until one of the most amazing beaches in Dominican Republic. Fronton Beach.


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[mkdf_section_title title_tag=»» disable_break_words=»no» subtitle_tag=»» title=»Boca del Diablo ‘Mouth of the Devil’, to Fronton Beach, Samana day trip.» subtitle=»Hiking»]

Hiking Boca del Diablo ‘Mouth of the Devil’, to Fronton Beach, Samana day trip.

Visión xeral

The trip start at our meeting point in Las Galeras, Samana. The most expectacular hiking in Samana. Visiting the Mouth of the devil in spanish Boca Del Diablo, Noise that make the glifs with a presion of water unders the rocks. After visiting the marmolite caves and Boca del Diablo we continue our hiking trough the coconut forest and beutifull views to the ocean until one of the most amazing beach in Dominican Republic. Fronton Beach.

After this experience, you will get Back to hiking to our Meeting point in Las Galeras Community.

  • Gastos incluídos
  • Merendas
  • Guía turístico local en inglés ou francés
  • Sendeirismo


Inclusións e exclusións



  1. Boca do Demo
  2. Marmolite Caves
  3. Praia do Frontón
  4. Todos os impostos, taxas e gastos de xestión
  5. Impostos locais
  6. Merendas
  7. Sendeirismo
  8. Todas as actividades
  9. Guía local


  1. Gratuítos
  2. Transporte
  3. Xantar
  4. Bebidas alcohólicas


Saída e volta

O viaxeiro terá un punto de encontro despois do proceso de reserva. Os percorridos comezan e rematan nos seus puntos de encontro.


Que esperar?

Consigue as túas entradas for visiting Boca del diablo and Fronton Beach in Samana. Day Trip. Starting from Las Galeras, understory coconuts trees, views, mountains, birds and one of the most beutiful beaches in the Dominican Republic.

The tour, organized by «Booking Adventures» starts at the meeting point set with the Tour Guide. Come with Booking Adventures and start in boca del diablo a cavern with a vent where large waves 🌊 come crashing int and sea water is blasted 💨 💦 out of the vent. The big waves would make a lasting cloud of salty water droplets that would blow quite a way inland. The waves state was wild when we were there and we got quite a show.

After this experiencie we hike 1 30 min to Fronton Beach one of the most beautiful beaches, its thousands of shades of colors that paint its different landscapes… and here on the beach fronton there is no exception. You have everything around you. . How could I not feel the calm… the stillness from where I was… a magical landscape from the sea … from the ancient mountains… sun kissed by our eternal sun and it’s never-ending horizon… the sky above us. and yet theres still more to savor… this is what we feel there.

We can set lunch and Boat trip back with a extra Cost.  After swimming in Fronton Beach we hike back to our meeting point.



Que debes traer?

  • cámara
  • Brotes repelentes
  • crema solar
  • Water
  • Sombreiro
  • Pantalóns cómodos
  • Zapatos de sendeirismo para bosque
  • Sandalias para as zonas de Primavera.
  • Roupa de baño


Recollida no hotel

Non se ofrece a recollida do hotel para esta excursión.


Nota: Se reservas dentro das 24 horas posteriores á hora de saída da excursión/excursión, podemos organizar a recollida do hotel con cargos adicionais. Unha vez completada a compra, enviarémosche a información de contacto completa (número de teléfono, enderezo de correo electrónico, etc.) para que o noso guía turístico local organice a recollida.

Confirmación de información adicional

  1. As entradas son o recibo despois de pagar este Tour. Podes mostrar o pago no teu teléfono.
  2. O punto de encontro recibirase despois do proceso de reserva.
  3. Os nenos deben ir acompañados dun adulto.
  4. Non accesible en cadeira de rodas
  5. Os bebés deben sentarse no colo
  6. Non recomendado para viaxeiros con problemas de costas
  7. Non recomendado para viaxeiras embarazadas
  8. Sen problemas cardíacos ou outras condicións médicas graves
  9. Poden participar a maioría dos viaxeiros

Política de cancelación

Para un reembolso completo, cancela polo menos 24 horas antes da data de inicio da experiencia. Os fondos perderanse se a reserva se cancela o mesmo día da viaxe.

Boca del diablo and Fronton beach

Contacta connosco?

Reserva aventuras

Os locais e Nacionais Guías turísticos e servizos para os hóspedes

Reservas: Tours e excursións en Rep. Dom.

📞 Tel/Whatsapp  +1-809-720-6035.

📩 reservabatour@gmail.com

Somos flexibles para configurar tours privados por Whatsapp: (+1) 829 318 9463.

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