Parasail over the Punta Cana/Bavaro coastline during this 40-minute activity departing from Punta Cana. Benefit from the expertise of one of the most experienced parasail companies in the Dominican Republic, wiith over 60,000 flights since 2001. Get breathtaking views of the beaches, turquoise waters and sprawling resorts that line the shore while flying hundreds of feet in the air. Bring sunscreen, a bathing suit and a sense of adventure. Scenic air tour Travel by boat and see the sights from the water Choice of morning or afternoon departure Free hotel pickup and drop-off included
- Choice of several departures throughout the day
- Enjoy fantastic aerial views
- Family friendly
- Pickup from a centrally located meeting point
- Romantic experience, perfect for couples
Ynklusjes & útslutings
- Parasaling Tour
- Bus pick up from Your Hotel
- Alle belestingen, fergoedings en ôfhannelingskosten
- Lokale belestingen
- Beverages
- Gratuities
- Lunch
Fertrek & werom
De reizger sil in moetingspunt krije nei it reservearringsproses. Tours begjinne en einige yn ús moetingspunten.
Wat te ferwachtsjen?
Imagine being raised 150 feet in the air, the cool wind caressing your face while relaxing with a spectacular view of the coast of Bavaro – Punta Cana. Stop imagining and join us in the exciting ride of parasailing, a truly unforgettable experience. You only need sunscreen and bathing suit, while enjoying the thrill of the ride. Fly with the premiere parasail company of the Dominican Republic. With over 60,000 flights since 2001, our skilled captains and crew are among the most experienced in the business.
7:00 AM – 7:00 PM… Time change depending on were in Punta Cana you are located.
Wat moatte jo bringe?
- kamera
- Repellent knoppen
- sinnebrân
- Hoed
- Komfortabele broek
- Hiking skuon foar bosk
- Sandalen nei it strân
- Swimklean
- Cash foar souvenirs
Hotel Pickup
Traveler pickup wurdt oanbean!
Wy nimme op fan alle Hotels yn Punta Cana Pick up Lokaasje is Hotel Lobby
As jo ferbliuwe op in condo yn 'e omkriten, wy sille helje jo op by de flat of by de yngong fan it tichtst resort .. Wy sette Pick up kontakt mei ús op Whatsapp.
Noat: As jo binne boekt binnen 24 oeren fan de tour / Ekskurzje fertrek tiid, kinne wy regelje hotel pick-up. Sadree't jo oankeap is foltôge, stjoere wy jo folsleine kontaktynformaasje (tillefoannûmer, e-mailadres, ensfh.)
Oanfoljende Info Befêstiging
- Kaarten binne de ûntfangst nei it beteljen fan dizze Tour. Jo kinne de betelling sjen litte op jo tillefoan.
- Treffpunt sil wurde ûntfongen nei it reservearringsproses.
- Bern moatte wurde begelaat troch in folwoeksene.
- rolstoel tagonklik
- Bern moatte op skoot sitte
- De measte reizgers kinne meidwaan
Cancellation Policy
Lês asjebleaft ús Annuleringsbelied foar in folsleine weromjefte Klik hjir. Fûnsen sille ferlern gean as de reservearring deselde dei fan 'e reis wurdt annulearre.
Kontakt mei ús opnimme?
Booking Adventures
Locals en Nationals Tour Guides & Gast Tsjinsten
Reservaasjes: Tours en ekskurzjes yn Dom. Rep.
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