El Limon Waterfall en Bacardi Island (Cayo Levantado) Tour út Punta Cana Hotels

Original price was: $170.00.Current price is: $125.99.

If you are in Punta Cana or Bavaro, Looking for a day trip paying less than normal. Book this trip with a pick up at your hotel in Punta Cana. The bus will take you to Sabana de la mar where we take a catamaran to pass Samana bay. Visiting Samana community on Safari to arrive in El Limón Comunity, Horse riding or Hiking to the Waterfalls after crossing Samana Bay and Luch time at Bacardi Island. This trip starts at 6: 00 am and finish at 6:30 pm.



Selektearje asjebleaft datum foar The Tour 


[mkdf_section_title title_tag=»» disable_break_words=»no» subtitle_tag=»» title=»El Limon Waterfall & Bacardi Island from Punta Cana Hotels» subtitle=»(Pick-up in Punta Cana)»]


If you are in Punta Cana or Bavaro, Looking for a day trip paying less than normal. Book this trip with a pick up at your hotel in Punta Cana. Bus will tak eyou to Sabana de la mar where we take catamaran to pass Samana bay . Visiting Samana community on Safari to arrive in El Limón Comunity, Horse riding or Hiking to the Waterfalls after crossing Samana Bay and Luch time at Bacardi Island. This trip Starts at 6: 00 am and finish at 6:30 pm.

After this experience, you will get Back to Your Hotel.

  • Fees included
  • Lunch at the beach included
  • Transfer incluided
  • The guide provides instruction and Supervision


Ynklusjes & útslutings




  1. Hotel pick up
  2. Samaná Bay
  3. Bacardi Island, Beach, and Lunch
  4. Safari to El Limón
  5. Horse riding or Hiking to Waterfalls
  6. Dominicans Cocktails
  7. Alle belestingen, fergoedings en ôfhannelingskosten
  8. Lokale belestingen
  9. Beverages
  10. Alle aktiviteiten
  11. Lokale gids


  1. Gratuities
  2. Alcoholic Drinks after Cocktails 


Fertrek & werom

De reizger sil in moetingspunt krije nei it reservearringsproses. Tours begjinne en einige yn ús moetingspunten.


Wat te ferwachtsjen?


Krij jo kaartsjes for visiting The Waterfalls on Horses riding or Hiking, Safari Samaná, Swimming at the Natural Springs from the waterfalls lunch at Bacardi island plus Beach Time.

Starting from Punta Cana on Bus we will drive to Samana bay port. In the Port we get onboard of a Boat or Catamaran with a Local tour guide we pass Samaná Bay to Samaná community. Taking a Safari with a local tour guide to talk about Samaná history until arrive in El Limon Comunity. In El Limón Comunity we start hiking or Horse riding by El Limon waterfalls forest to the El Limón Waterfalls. Where when we arrive we can swim!  After back to Safari to go to Samana port. Visit Bacardi island for lunch on the beach and swimming in one of the most beautiful islands from the Dominican Republic.

In Case you will like this trip longer or Shorter just contact Us…



Wat moatte jo bringe?

  • kamera
  • Repellent knoppen
  • sinnebrân
  • Hoed
  • Komfortabele broek
  • Hiking skuon foar bosk
  • Sandalen nei de Spring gebieten.
  • Swimklean


Hotel Pickup

Traveler pickup wurdt oanbean!

Wy nimme op fan alle Hotels yn Punta Cana Pick up Lokaasje is Hotel Lobby
As jo ferbliuwe op in condo yn 'e omkriten, wy sille helje jo op by de flat of by de yngong fan it tichtst resort .. Wy sette Pick up kontakt mei ús op Whatsapp.

Noat: As jo binne boekt binnen 24 oeren fan de tour / Ekskurzje fertrek tiid, kinne wy regelje hotel pick-up. Sadree't jo oankeap is foltôge, stjoere wy jo folsleine kontaktynformaasje (tillefoannûmer, e-mailadres, ensfh.)

Oanfoljende Info Befêstiging

  1. Kaarten binne de ûntfangst nei it beteljen fan dizze Tour. Jo kinne de betelling sjen litte op jo tillefoan.
  2. Treffpunt sil wurde ûntfongen nei it reservearringsproses.
  3. Bern moatte wurde begelaat troch in folwoeksene.
  4. Net rolstoel tagonklik
  5. Bern moatte op skoot sitte
  6. Net oan te rieden foar reizgers mei rêchproblemen
  7. Net oan te rieden foar swiere reizgers
  8. Gjin hertproblemen of oare serieuze medyske omstannichheden
  9. De measte reizgers kinne meidwaan

Cancellation Policy

Foar in folsleine restitúsje, annulearje op syn minst 24 oeren foar de startdatum fan 'e ûnderfining.

Kontakt mei ús opnimme?

Booking Adventures

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Reservaasjes: Tours en ekskurzjes yn Dom. Rep.

📞 Tel/Whatsapp  +1-809-720-6035.

📩 reservabatour@gmail.com

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